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Daily we are receiving hundreds of enquiries regarding our Breast Firming and Enlarge Oil,

We are strictly maintaining our professional secrecy,

So feel free to talk with Doctor. When you makes call mostly Doctor only attend the calls, some time assistant may attend the calls, No need to shy or hesitate to ask your doubts with doctor, and we never stored your number or personal details,

To know the cost of oil and usage details please mail to

Thanks for Understanding

Breast Enlargement Herbal Oil Treatment in Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Breast Enlargement
  • Breast enlargement to increase your breast size naturally without painful surgery, Internal medicines.
  • You are not alone in your desire to be better endowed. And there is no need to feel embarrassed or shy about it. Having a well-filled breast is almost every woman's dream.
  • No other part of a woman’s body is as attractive as her breasts which add to the overall beauty, charm and grace of a woman. The first thing that attracts an onlooker is the bust line of a passing woman.
  • Breast care is very important as it is among the erogenous zones, and feeding organ for baby. If a woman’s breasts sag and get flabby at an early age, it will fail to have any sexual attraction.

Our Breast oils along with massage & Exercises, helps to improve appearance and texture and even lessen stretch marks.

Salient features
  • We are provide only External oil, its safe and never produce any side effects and skin rashes
  • We are using ordinary bottles to dispense the oil – because most of our clients hesitate to buy the printed (breast pictures & Breast enlargement oil such like). Nobody knows for what you are using that oil.
  • Oil founded by expert Ayurvedic doctor. So you can get consultation for other problems also

We maintain our professional secrecy.

For more details feel free to mail us :

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sore and Cracked Nipples

Sore and Cracked Nipples
To prevent sore and cracked nipples, rub the nipples with a mixture of pure lemon juice and olive oil throughout pregnancy. 
Whilst nursing add a few drops of essential oil of geranium to a pot of cold cream and soothe the nipples with this. 
Honey mixed with Olive oil or Lanolin (thick tacky fat available with dispensing stores or druggists has a softening and moisturizing effect and is a good skin food) is used to anoint 

cracked nipples.
Lanolin rubbed into the nipples soothes and softens but before using make sure you are not allergic to it.

Crack and Fissure in the Nipple
The difference between a crack and fissure is very little. A fissure is generally at the base of the nipple and is often very painful and may ooze blood. It may become infected if the baby has thrush in its mouth. In case a mother suffers from a fissure she may have to keep the baby off the breasts for a couple of day till the fissure heals. In case of a crack, a mother does not have to take the baby off the breast.
  • You must keep in mind the following precautions to prevent cracked or sore nipples:
  • Just wash your breasts with plain water and keep the nipples dry in between the feeds. If these are not kept dry, they tend to become care. Therefore, do not soak nipples in water.
  • Do not clean the nipples with soap, as this leads to cracking.
  • If you experience the problem of leakage of milk, then absorb this leakage with a piece of clean cloth or cut a piece of cloth cut from a nappy, keep in the cups of your bra and change this as required.
  • Always wear a clean bra.
  • Clean your nipples after feeing.
  • Expose the nipples to air for some time every day.
  • Apply cream or oil to keep the nipples soft and supple. Do not use mustard oil, since it is irritating. Make sure to wash the cream or oil from nipples before you breast-feed.
  • Apply cream or oil during the pregnancy, even though greasy material is produced during pregnancy which keeps the nipples supple.

How to treat a Cracked or Sore Nipple
Continue breast-feeding even if nipples are sore or cracked. Try to feed the baby from the less painful nipple first so that it does not hurt too much during feeding. By the time you have finished, the milk may start to drain from the other side and breasts will become soft, allowing the baby to feed without suckling too hard. Express milk from your breasts to take tension away and prevent aggressive and painful suckling by the hungry baby. Remember, pain can be reduced and healing promoted by paying attention to the way you breast-feed. Make sure that the areola is in the baby’s mouth so that the baby cannot bite or chew at the nipples.

Change your position every time you feed the baby so that the baby does not suckle at the nipple continuously in one position and make it sorer. Feed the child in such a position that the child is unable to pull the nipple. Do not remove the crusts of dried milk from a sore or a cracked nipple since this can worsen the situation. Occasionally blood oozing from the sore or cracked nipples may be swallowed by the baby, but it will not harm in baby in any way. If the problem is very severe then consult the doctor, who may suggest exposure to a sun-lump and application of an antiseptic cream. Exposure of nipples to air for some time every day would help in the healing process.

The treatment of a fissure is the same as for a cracked or a sore nipple. Remember, the fissure may be considered more painful and you may have to use a nipple shield when you resume the baby on a breast-feed. Make sure that the nipple shield is clean.

Do not take any self medication

Breast Health

Breast Health
Women's breasts come in all shapes and sizes. There is no perfect shape or size for breasts. Normal breasts can be large or small, smooth or lumpy, and light or dark.

Most young women have a lot of questions about their breasts. This guide was created to answer some of the most common questions girls have about breast health.

Breasts developments
The inside of your breasts is made up of fatty tissue and many milk-producing glands, called mammary glands. The dark area of your breast around your nipple is called the areola. As your body starts to develop, a small bump grows under the areola and nipple. This bump is called the breast bud. As the buds get larger and rounder, the breasts grow.

As your breasts develop, the areola gets bigger and darker. Areola and nipples can range in color from light pink to purplish to light gray depending on your skin color.

When will I get breasts?
Your breasts start growing when you begin puberty. Puberty is the name for the time when your body goes through changes and you begin to go from being a child to an adult. During puberty the hormone levels in your body change, causing your breasts to develop and your menstrual periods to start. Heredity (the way certain characteristics are passed down from generation to generation) and nutrition determine when you are going to begin puberty and develop breasts. Most girls' breasts begin growing when they are about 10 or 11 years old, but some girls may start developing breasts earlier or later than this age.

How long will it take to get breasts?
It takes three to five years from the time your breasts start growing until they reach their full size. The age when you start to develop does not have an effect on the final size of your breasts. For example, if you develop earlier than most girls, this doesn't mean that you will have bigger breasts than most girls.

Increase the size of breasts
Heredity is the most important factor in determining breast shape and size. Some massage herbal oil helps to increase your breast size. Your breasts may change with weight loss or gain or after a pregnancy, but for the most part the size of your breasts stays the same once you have finished puberty. Also, breast size has no effect on whether a woman will be able to breastfeed her baby.

When and how will breasts make milk?
Inside a woman's breasts are tiny pockets called alveoli. After a woman gives birth, her brain's hormones tell the alveoli to produce milk. When her baby sucks on her nipple, the sucking draws milk from the alveoli through the milk ducts and out small holes in the nipple. When the mother stops breast-feeding her baby, her alveoli slowly stop making milk.

Normal Breast Development
Uneven breasts
It is very common for your breasts to grow at different rates while they’re developing. Usually, they will look about the same size by the time they are done growing. If the size difference bothers you, you can try foam or gel inserts that fit into your bra or bathing suit. These inserts are sold at specialty bra and lingerie shops.

Sometimes breasts can still be really uneven (different by more than a cup size) after they’re done developing. If you are unhappy about the difference in your breasts' sizes and your breasts have finished growing (3-5 years after your breasts started developing), you may talk with your doctor about the benefits and risks of cosmetic surgery.

Very large breasts
Many girls have breasts that they feel are too large. Often, they’re not worried about how they look, but they’re bothered by breast pain, back pain, shoulder pain, dents in the shoulders from bra straps, rashes, skin problems under the breasts, or difficulties with exercising. Girls can also feel badly or self-conscious if they are teased about their large breasts.

If your breasts are very large, there are some options that can help.
  • First, find a well-fitting bra to minimize and support your breasts. Look for a bra that has wide shoulder straps and supportive cups. If you need help with measuring for a bra, see a trained salesperson working at a department store or a lingerie store for help.
  • If you are overweight, working to reach a healthy weight may also help.
  • Breast firming oil may helps you
  • The last option is to have a breast reduction surgery. This type of surgery, which is done by a plastic surgeon, removes some of the extra breast tissue to decrease pain. It is a big surgery, and you should talk about it with your doctor to know the side effects of breast reduction surgery.

Hair around my nipples?
Some girls have hair around their nipples. This is completely normal. If the hair bothers you, it's best to cut it with small scissors. Plucking or shaving the hair can cause infection.

Inverted nipples
If your nipples point inward instead of out, you have “inverted nipples.” Between 10%-20% of all girls have inverted nipples. This is normal and will not affect your health in any way. If you have inverted nipples, it's important to keep them clean to avoid getting an infection in the folds of skin around your nipple.

If your nipples used to point out but have suddenly turned in, you should contact your health care provider for an examination.

Stretch marks
Stretch marks are red spoke-like lines that appear on the skin during periods of rapid physical growth (such as puberty or pregnancy). During puberty, stretch marks on the breasts are very common and completely normal. Other common places for stretch marks are on the hips and thighs. Over time, the stretch marks will fade to match your normal skin color (usually within 1 to 2 years).
  • Breast firming oil may helps you to reduce stretch marks

Rash around the nipple area on breasts,
Usually, yes. A rash can be a sign of an infection, especially if one breast is swollen and tender, if there’s a discharge, or if you have a fever. You can also get a rash on the skin under your breasts, which is usually either a heat rash or a yeast infection. If any of these signs of infection are present, call your health care provider. Sometimes a hair root around your nipple area can become infected. When this happens, one or more tiny red bumps appear. The tiny red bumps are called folliculitis. If you have this concern, talk to your health care provider.

Breast pain or tenderness
You may feel a tingling or aching in your chest when your breast buds start developing. After you start to get your periods you may notice that your breasts become tender or sore about a week before you get your period each month. This soreness does not happen to everyone. If you are having pain, check with your health care provider who may suggest taking medication (such as ibuprofen) to help with the symptoms.

Discharge coming from breasts
A discharge from your breast(s) could mean that your breast(s) are infected, that a breast duct is dilated (widened), or that you have a hormone imbalance. The discharge may be on just one side or from both breasts. When a milky discharge comes from a young woman's breast when she is not breast feeding, it's called galactorrhea. This condition can result from taking certain medications such as birth control pills or anti-depressants, from being pregnant or recently being pregnant, from low thyroid hormone levels, or rarely from a small benign (not cancerous) pituitary tumor. Your body may be making extra amounts of prolactin, which can cause this white discharge from your nipples. A brown or bloody discharge may come from dilated breast ducts or small polyps in the breast ducts. A small amount of yellow discharge sometimes occurs around the time a girl starts her period. You should see your health care provider if you have any kind of breast discharge.

Breast Lumps & Bumps

Lumpy breasts
Normal breasts can be smooth or lumpy. Most lumps are due to normal changes in breast tissue that occur during development. Your breasts may also feel different or lumpy around the time of your period. If you do notice that a new lump appears in your breast and does not disappear after your period, you should contact your health care provider.

New lump or something different about my breasts
Most lumps or changes in your breasts that occur when you are a teen or young woman are due to normal changes in the breast tissue. If you find a lump it could be from hormonal changes, an injury, a breast cyst filled with fluid from a blocked mammary gland (milk-producing gland), an infection, or a benign (not cancerous) tumor called a fibro adenoma. If the lump is sore or the skin over it is red, you may have an infection and you should contact your health care provider. If your breast just feels lumpy, check it again three to four days after your next period, since your breasts may feel different or lumpy to the touch around the time of your period. If the lump does not disappear after you finish your period, see your health care provider. Your health care provider may order an ultrasound of your breast to figure out what kind of lump you have. If you have a fibro adenoma, your doctor will discuss whether it can just be regularly examined and watched without any special treatment, or if you need surgery to remove it.

Hard lump and redness on breast
A hard lump in the breast with redness over it could mean you have a breast abscess (a deep infection), especially if you also have breast pain and a fever. Although a breast abscess is usually a complication of breastfeeding, other things can cause breast infections, such as shaving, tweezing, or plucking hairs around the nipple area; sexual play that causes trauma; or getting a cut on the breast. Abscesses can also occur if a duct becomes blocked during breast development, or from bacteria getting into the nipple. It's best to try to prevent a breast infection by avoiding things that could cause trauma or cuts to your breast(s). If you are breastfeeding, keep your nipples clean and dry.

If you think you or a friend might have a breast abscess, don't wait! Make an appointment to see your health care provider and start antibiotics right away.

Bump on breast(s) from a sports injury or fall
Treat your breast injury as you would treat an injury on any other part of your body. If the lump is sore and black & blue, it is probably from the injury. If you feel a lump but you don't remember injuring yourself, or if the lump is still present after a week, see your health care provider. But don't worry - there is no link between breast injury and breast cancer.

Self Breast Exam
How do I take care of my breasts?
It's important to know how your breasts normally look and feel, so you'll be able to tell if there are changes later. You may start doing breast self-examinations once a month in your late teen years (18 to 20 years old). This will help you get to know how your breasts feel normally. You will then be able to notice if any new or different lumps develop. Remember, some lumps are normal, but if you are concerned, talk to your health care provider.

Talk with your doctor about self exams. Breast self-exams are best done at the same time every month, right after your menstrual period ends. Another great time to do an examination is the day after you have seen your health care provider for a check-up, and he or she has said that your breasts are healthy. Then you'll know that all the “lumps” you feel in your breasts are just normal glands. Here's how to do a 3-part breast self-exam that takes only a few minutes.

Lying down:
·         First, place a pillow under your right shoulder.
·         Next, put your right hand under your head.
·         Check your entire right breast area with the pads of the fingers of your left hand.
·         Use small circles to feel all around your breast, then feel up-and-down (see the diagram below):
·         Use light, medium, and firm pressure over each area of your breast
·         Gently squeeze the nipple to check for any discharge.
·         Switch arms and repeat these steps on your left breast.

In front of a Mirror:
·         Check for any changes in the shape or look of your breasts.
·         Note any skin or nipple changes such as dimpling or nipple discharge.
·         Look at your breasts in four steps: arms at sides, arms overhead, hands on hips pressing firmly to flex chest muscles, and bending forward.

In the Shower:
·         With soapy hands and fingers flat, raise your right arm.
·         Check your right breast.
·         Use the same small circles and up-and-down pattern described above in the “Lying Down” position.
·         Switch arms and repeat on your left breast.

Your doctor will perform a breast exam once a year. While you may find this a little embarrassing, a breast exam is an important way for your health care provider to learn what is normal for your breasts and to find any lumps that aren't normal.

Breast Cancer Risks

Risk for breast cancer
Women with certain medical conditions, lifestyle habits, or traits (referred to as “risk factors”) may be more likely than other women to get cancer. However, having risk factors does not mean you will get breast cancer. Most women who develop breast cancer have no risk factors at all.

Overall, you are at a higher risk for developing breast cancer if you:
  • Have close relatives (mother, sister, grandmother, or aunt) who have had breast cancer
  • Are obese
  • Drink alcohol excessively

Lower risk for breast cancer
You can lower your risk for breast cancer by keeping your lifestyle healthy. Don't smoke, limit alcohol intake, exercise regularly, follow a healthy diet, and have regular checkups with your health care provider.

A mammogram is an x-ray of the breasts, usually done to try to find early signs of breast cancer. Teens do not need to get mammograms. In fact, mammograms don't work well in teenagers and young adults because the breast tissue is too thick and too dense to get a clear picture. Most women start having mammograms when they are about 40 years old. Some women younger than 40 years old have mammograms if they have a family history of breast cancer or if they have had radiation treatment for other cancers in the past.

Learning to care for your breasts when you're a teenager is an important way to make sure that your whole body stays healthy when you're older. Although breast cancer is very uncommon in women under the age of 35, if you become familiar with the normal look and feel of your breasts now, you're taking an important step toward good general health for the future.

Buying a Bra

Before buying a bra
A bra supports your breasts. While some girls don't wear one, others like to wear them, especially when they play sports. All bras are shaped to fit around both your chest and your breasts.

Some bras are sized small, medium, or large. Bras sized this way, such as sports bras, fit snugly but comfortably. A well-fitting sports bra can prevent breast pain during sports or running.

More specifically fitted bras have both a breast cup size, which ranges from AA (smallest) to EE (largest), and a chest size-from about 30 inches to 40 inches (this is the number of inches around your chest at the fullest part of your bust).

You or a clerk at the store can measure you for the right size bra. You should try on many bras to find the most comfortable size and style. Finding a well-fitting bra is important to prevent breast discomfort, back pain, and shoulder pain.

Measuring for a Bra
Why do I need to measure for a bra and how do I do it?
If you're ready to buy your first bra or if your breast size has changed, you may be wondering what size bra to buy. Figuring out the correct size can be tricky unless you do your homework first. This guide will help you measure yourself correctly to determine the size you will need (chest size and cup size). This will be important when buying a bra as well as other clothing that uses bra or cup measurements, such as bathing suits. Of course, trying on bras is always necessary, since different brands and styles fit differently.

Figuring out your bra size:
If you are about to buy your first bra, it's best to go to a department store that has a special department that sells bras and underwear, usually called the “lingerie department”. Ask to be fitted by a “lingerie specialist” (a professional who has special training in fitting bras). This service is free, and having the measurements done by a professional will make sure that your bra fits correctly. By doing this, you will find the bra that feels the best and also looks the best under your clothes.

If you decide you would feel more comfortable figuring out your bra size at home, the following information will guide you through the steps of measuring yourself.

Chest Size:
Place a cloth measuring tape under your breasts. Wrap the tape around your chest so the tape measure meets the beginning part of the tape. When you have the measurement number, add 5 inches.

For example: your measurement around your chest is:


This means that your Chest Size is 32.

If your measurement ends up being an ODD number, you will need to go up to the next EVEN number to figure out your size.

For example: your measurement around your chest is:


This means that your Chest Size is 34.

Cup Size:
Next, you will measure around your chest at the largest or fullest part of your breasts, called your “bustline.” You need to measure with your arms straight down, so ask someone you feel comfortable with to help you (like your mom, sister, or friend).

Your Bustline Measurement will be higher than your chest (“under the breast”) measurement. Your Cup Size is the difference between your Chest Size and your Bustline Measurement. Size.

For example: Your Bust Measurement at the fullest part of your bust is 34:
And your Chest Size is 32" (27" + 5)

The difference is 2 inches, which means your Cup Size is a "B cup"

Guide to Figuring Out Bra Cup Size
Cup Size
AA Cup
½ inch
A Cup
1 inch
B Cup
2 inch
C Cup
3 inch
D Cup
4 inch

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Stages of Breast development & Pubic hairs

Stages of Breast development & Pubic hairs    

Stages 1       
breastBreast development -The preadolescent breast consists of a small elevated nipple with no significant underlying breast tissue

The pubic hairs are almost not visible (very thin, fine and delicate)

Stages 2       
Breast development -Puberty begins (usually between ages of 8 and 13, average age is 11) with the development of breast tissue and pubic hair.  With the hormonal changes of puberty, breast buds form.  This stage of breast development is the breast bud stage.  Here, there is elevation of the breast and nipple as a smallmound; the areola begins to enlarge.  Milk ducts inside the breast begin to grow. 


The pubic hairs are starting grow slowly

Stages 3
Breast development -In next stage, there is further enlargement and elevation of the breast and areola (with no separation of their contours).  The areola begins to darken in color.  The milk ducts give rise to milk glands that also begin to grow. 


The pubic hairs are growing more visible and the quality of hairs are changed - becoming thicker, curly and darker.


Stages 4       
Breast development - Next, there is projection of the areola and nipple to form a secondary mound. 

pubertyThe pubic hairs are growing faster  and already forming sexual pubic triangle

Stages 5       
breastBreast development -In the mature adult breast there is projection of the nipple only (though in some woman the areola continues to form a secondary mound). 

pubertyFinal stage. The typical female sexual pubic hair triangle is already developed. Hairs are thick and often curly.