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Dear Visitors

Daily we are receiving hundreds of enquiries regarding our Breast Firming and Enlarge Oil,

We are strictly maintaining our professional secrecy,

So feel free to talk with Doctor. When you makes call mostly Doctor only attend the calls, some time assistant may attend the calls, No need to shy or hesitate to ask your doubts with doctor, and we never stored your number or personal details,

To know the cost of oil and usage details please mail to

Thanks for Understanding

Breast Enlargement Herbal Oil Treatment in Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Breast Enlargement
  • Breast enlargement to increase your breast size naturally without painful surgery, Internal medicines.
  • You are not alone in your desire to be better endowed. And there is no need to feel embarrassed or shy about it. Having a well-filled breast is almost every woman's dream.
  • No other part of a woman’s body is as attractive as her breasts which add to the overall beauty, charm and grace of a woman. The first thing that attracts an onlooker is the bust line of a passing woman.
  • Breast care is very important as it is among the erogenous zones, and feeding organ for baby. If a woman’s breasts sag and get flabby at an early age, it will fail to have any sexual attraction.

Our Breast oils along with massage & Exercises, helps to improve appearance and texture and even lessen stretch marks.

Salient features
  • We are provide only External oil, its safe and never produce any side effects and skin rashes
  • We are using ordinary bottles to dispense the oil – because most of our clients hesitate to buy the printed (breast pictures & Breast enlargement oil such like). Nobody knows for what you are using that oil.
  • Oil founded by expert Ayurvedic doctor. So you can get consultation for other problems also

We maintain our professional secrecy.

For more details feel free to mail us :

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Breast Health Points for you

1. Practice breast self massage as well as using the spa service. Touch your breasts gently and often using warmed oil, whilst in the shower or with your partner. The best choice in oil to use is Pomegranate Oil. If you cannot find a supplier for this, choose unrefined sesame oil. 

2. Exercise regularly using movements that involve the shoulders and build torso and upper arm strength. 

3. Wear comfortable, natural fibre (i.e. cotton) underwear. Bras that have under wires or those is strapless push the breast up and/or make red marks weaken supporting muscles and constrict lymph tissue and if worn regularly or for long periods will make the breasts sag and allow toxins to accumulate in your breast tissue. 

4. Use underarm deodorant that is free of aluminium salts or other compounds. Aluminium is a heavy metal that can enter the blood and lymph systems through the skin and severely challenge the immune system. 

5. Avoid hydrogenated fats like margarine and vegetable shortening. (Be aware that these 
products are in many store-bought crackers, cakes, and cookies – even health-store brands.) Use olive, peanut, sunflower, or sesame oils in cooking and butter or – better still – clarified butter (ghee) on bread. 

6. Eat a vegetarian diet with little or no saturated or mono-saturated fats, refined sugars, dairy products, meats, and caffeine and HIGH in whole grains (i.e. brown rice, oats, barley) , green and orange vegetables (i.e. carrots, squashes, kale, broccoli, cabbage, etc.). 

7. Eat soy-based products, such as soy milk, tofu, and tempeh. Just a little regularly helps block 
the tendency for breast tissues to bond with extra estrogens that can cause disruptions in healthy functioning of breast tissue. 

8. Choose to eat organically raised foods and use environmentally friendly cleaning products. Many synthetic chemicals (including what is found in fertilizers, pesticides. germicides) mimic hormones and cause physical and emotional havoc in body and mind. 

9. Use supplements such as vitamins E, C, and B-complex as well as minerals. Eat mineral-rich sea vegetables or take mineral supplements particularly when your stress level is high. 

10. Use hormone-free contraception. Avoid long-term use of the pill and synthetic hormone 
therapies when possible. A number of natural alternatives to hormone therapies are emerging on the market. 

11. Expose your breasts to sun and moon light. Remember how good it feels to experience the
 sun, sea, and air on the rest of your body. Find topless beaches or in the privacy of your back yard! Women go topless in the parks of Copenhagen. Could this ever happen in Central Park? 

12. Sleep in complete darkness. Your body gets deeper, more healing sleep in the dark of night.

13. Colour TVs, microwave ovens, and computer screens emit radiation that can damage tissue. How long are your breasts in front of our close to a computer or TV screen daily? Use shielded computer display terminals and try to keep a good distance between you and your TV. And, don’t stand right next to your microwave. (As regards cooking, you get more usable nutrition from using your oven or stove compared to a microwave.) 

14. Enjoy nurturing yourself. It is not self-indulgent or kinky to massage your breasts and/or pamper yourself with a massage or your favourite spa treatment. It is a needed survival skill. 

15. Have a good cry when you need one. Feelings of grief and loneliness, if unacknowledged and/or allowed to linger, are just as toxic as DDT. 

16. Send positive messages to your breasts. One patient who was recovering from breast cancer says before she leaves for work daily, “Come on girls. You’re safe with me.” Banish the views that are breasts are time bombs. Stride out in confidence. 

17. Adopt positive female role models. Have beautiful female images to look upon at home and at work. 

18. Be complimentary to yourself about what you like about your body and compliment others as well. Overcome the cultural stereotypes that imprison us and our view of others. According to Ayurveda, each body type has its own, unique beauty. Seek that out in yourself and become it. 

19. A noted spiritual teacher says that “Every atom vibrates with joy and is held together by love.” Love most of what you do in the day and see the humor in what you don’t. Put your heart into work and relationships. 

20. Sensuality and sexuality are not opposed to or the enemy of spirituality. Celebrate the sensuality of your body!

Breast Firming Yogasanas

  1. Stand straight with your feet apart at shoulder distance.
  2. Raise your arms upto your shoulders with your elbows bent so that your hands are in front of your chest. 
  3. Bend the wrist upwards with fingers open. Now imagine you are holding any solid object between your hands. Press your hands against each other using muscles of the hand, forearms, upper arm and chest area, as if you pressing that imaginary object.
  4.  Concentrate your eyes in the space between your hands. Hold this position for 20 seconds, muscles as tight as possible, and repeat 3 to 5 times.

Sajah Stabdhasana
  1. Put your legs together, fold them and sit on the ground so that the legs and feet touch the ground and your buttocks  rest on your heels.
  2. Look forward and lift your arms bringing them in line at the shoulder level.
  3. Now stretch the hands backwards and try to touch the back of both palms together.
  4. Do not bend your body and keep your back straight so that head and neck are in line with the body.
  5. Hold this position for 20 seconds and come back to original position. Repeat 3 to 5 times.

  1. Lie on your stomach with your body and legs straight on a flat surface.
  2. Put feet together.
  3. Place your palms on the floor slightly to the side of your shoulders with fingers forward.
  4. First relax your whole body specially your lower back. Now gently put pressure on hands to raise your head, neck and shoulders.
  5. Straighten your elbows and raise the trunk as high as you can, using the muscles of your back and not of your arms.
  6. Now use your arm muscles to raise the trunk further. Now you should be in a shape of an arc.
  7. Gently tilt your head backwards and look up.
  8. Keep your public bone in contact with the floor and raise your navel.
  9. Hold for 20 seconds and come back to original position. Repeat 5 times.

  1. Kneal or stand on your knees with knees shoulder apart. Only your knees and toes should touch ground.
  2. Lean backward, slowly reaching for the right heel with the right hand and then the left heel with the left hand. Do not strain. Keep your thighs vertical and push your pelvis forward.
  3. Bend your head and spine backwards as far as possible.
  4. Try to relax into the stretch.
  5. Hold in this position for 20 seconds.
  6. Slowly release the hands rom the heels one at a time to return to the starting position Repeat 3 to 5 times

Have Firmer Breasts

Have Firmer Breasts
Most women are worried about fine lines, pimples and other such skin menaces. Another bothersome beauty culprit is sagging breasts.
But, there is nothing that can’t be dealt with! We list out a couple of ways in which you can keep your breast firm and look sexy…

A combination of weight gain or sudden weight loss, pregnancy, and wearing the wrong bra can cause connective tissues in the breasts to break.
Most women who breast feed complain of sagging breasts. Therefore, you must wear a good maternity bra and regularly massage your girls with a good moisturizer after a bath.

Choosing the right bra is more important than anything else. You must start wearing a good support bra as soon as you hit puberty and notice that your breasts are developing.
This keeps your breasts firm and in shape. During strenuous workouts make sure you wear a sports bra. Don’t hold back when it comes to splurging on a good bra...your girls will thank you for it!

Use a good moisturizing cream to seal in the moisture and keep the breast skin supple. You can also try skin rejuvenating creams, which causes skin peeling making your breast look firmer and younger.
You can also try good Herbal oil massage once a day.

Take some Breast firming oil in your hands. Now massage the area around your breast while moving your hands in clockwise or anticlockwise motion. For best results, do the massage twice a day.

Exercises are really helpful to keep the pectoral muscles in shape and your breasts toned. The best exercise to strengthen your pectoral muscles is to do pushups. You could also try simple weight lifting routine under the guidance of a fitness trainer.

Do keep an eye on any changes that your breasts experience by examining them to check if there are any unusual lumps. Consult the doctor accordingly.